Charting Twincrease

I prefer to knit from charts, and so when I invented Twincrease, I contacted the originator of the very popular knitting chart program Stitch Mastery. After some discussion, we decided not to introduce a new symbol for Twincrease (there are already so many). I tried to draw a new sign myself, and here are some sketches, including a Horoscope sign for Gemini.

So, following the advice of my technical editor, I compiled a few knitting chart symbols for the Twincrease family using existing signs. Here are all six new increases, together with their chart presentations.

Note. Although the increase signs are for the M1R and M1L, we don’t actually working them. They are here just to show the directions of the twists of the elongated loop. The detailed Twincrease technique should be described in the extended key. You’ll find instructions in the article for each of the new increases (see links below). When preparing charts, in addition to the instructions, I suggest you add a link to my videos also contained in the articles below.

For example, for the knit Twincrease the instructions are:

k1Twin – to unravel the double wrapped st slip it purlwise, wind long loop around the LN from front to back, work the first knit st from this position and drop the first loop off the LN, work the second knit st inserting RN into the second loop as usual – knitwise, and off the needle. See video how to knit Twincrease on YouTube and Vimeo

To summarise, here is a list for all Twincrease relatives, with links to the separate articles about them. 






Lace Twincrease

Lace Chain pattern

Please feel free to use these symbols to make charts which use Twincrease increases. You’re welcome to create your own charts too. I’d be very happy to see any new developments which you discover.

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